Tel: +27(0)21 702 7300
Fax:+27(0)21 702 7493
Physical Address: 2 Reddam Ave, Westlake, 7945, Cape Town
Postal Address: PostNet Suite 50, Private Bag x26, Tokai, 7966
Website: http://southafrica.usembassy.gov/index.html
Tel: +27(0)11 783 9032
Hours: 8AM–4PM
Email: arconsa@embassyofargentina.co.za
Website: http://cjoha.mrecic.gob.ar/en/node/466
Tel: +27(0)12 423 6000
Fax: +27(0)12 342 8442 (Admin & Consular)
Physical Address: 292 Orient Street, Arcadia, Pretoria
Postal Address: Private Bag X150, Pretoria, 0001
Email: pretoria.info@dfat.gov.au
Website: www.southafrica.embassy.gov.au/pret/home.html
Tel: +27(0)21 912 1351
Physical Address: F2 The Courtyard, Central Park on Esplanade, Century City, Cape Town
Email: austrianconsulcpt@gmail.com
Website: https://www.bmeia.gv.at
Tel: +27(0)12 343 2105 - 6
Fax: +27(0)12 343 5222
Hours: 8AM–4PM
Physical Address: Fredman Towers, 13 Fredman Dr, Sandton, Johannesburg, 2146
Email: mission.pretoria@mofa.gov.bd
Website: http://bhcpretoria.org
Tel : +27(0)21 419 4690 Mon - Fri 09.00 - 16.00
Emergency: - out of office hours (not for visa) 073-77 24559
Fax : +27(0)21 421 1121
Physical Address: Thibault Square, 19th floor, Foreshore, Capetown
Postal Address: PO Box 2717, Foreshore, Cape town, 8000
Email: capetown@diplobel.fed.be
Website: http://www.diplomatie.be/capetown/
Tel: +27(0)11 403 3748
Fax: +27(0)11 403 1384
Physical Address: Forum II, 4th Floor, 33 Hoold Street, Braampark, Johannesburg
Tel: +27(0)21 421 4040
Fax: +27(0)86 678 7599
Hours: 10.00-13.00
Physical Address: Touchstone House, 7 Bree Street - 9th floor, Cape Town 8001
Email: cg.capetown@itamaraty.gov.br
Website: http://capetown.itamaraty.gov.br
Tel: +27(0)21 405 2400
Mon-Thu: 08.00 - 16.30, Fri: 08.00 - 13.00
Physical Address: 15th Floor, Southern life Centre, 8 Riebeeck Street, Cape Town
Postal Address: P O Box 500, Cape Town, 8000
Website: http://ukinsouthafrica.fco.gov.uk/en/
Tel: +27(0)21 423 5240
Fax: +27(0)21 423 4893
Emergency assistance: (call collect - Canadian nationals only): 091 613 996 8885
Physical Address: 19th floor, South African Reserve Bank Building, 60 St. George's Mall
Postal Address: P.O. Box 683 Cape Town, 8000
Email: cptwn@international.gc.ca
Website: http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/southafrica-afriquedusud/splash.aspx
Tel: +27(0)31 564 0743
Physical Address: 44 Beach Way, Durban North, 4051, South Africa
Email: nramdhani@ifalethu.org.za
Tel: +27(0)21 674 0579
Physical Address: Rhodes Ave. Newlands, Cape Town 7700, South Africa
Postal Address: P.O. Box 3714, Cape Town 8000
Email: chinaconsul_ct_za@mfa.gov.cn
Website: http://capetown.china-consulate.org/eng/
Tel: +27(0)12 342 1206
Fax: +27(0)12 342 1819
Hours: Mon-Thu: 08.00-16.30, Fri: 08.00-14.00
Physical Address: 1160 Stanza Bopape (Church) Street 0083 Colbyn Pretoria
Email: croemb.pretoria@mvep.hr
Website: http://za.mfa.hr
Tel: +27(0)12 346 2215
Fax: +27(0)12 346 2216
Physical Address: 45, Mackenzie Street, Brooklyn 0181 Pretoria, South Africa
Email: embajada@za.embacuba.cu
Website: http://www.cubadiplomatica.cu/sudafrica
Tel.: +27(0)21 797 9835, +27(0)21 797 9860
Fax: +27(0)21 797 2776
Physical Address: 2 Fleetwood Avenue, Claremont, 7708, Cape Town
Email: capetown@embassy.mzv.cz
Tel: +27(0)21 408 6007
Physical Address: Roggebaai Place (9th Floor), 4 Jetty Street, Foreshore, Cape Town 8000
Email: dancon.cpt@outlook.com
Tel: +27(0)12 343 1590
Fax: +27(0)12 343 1082
Hours: 09.00-12.00 and 13.00-14.00
Physical Address: 270 Bourke Street, Muckleneuk, Sunnyside 0132, Pretoria
Email: egyptemb1@gmail.com
Tel: +27(0)21 671 7058
Fax: +27(0)21 671 7059
Physical Address: Sekunjalo Investment Holdings; 4th Floor Claremont Central; 8 Vineyard Road; Claremont 7700
Email: iqbal@sekunjalo.com
Tel: +27(0)21 423 1575
Fax: +27(0)21 424 8470
Physical Address: 78 Queen Victoria Street, Cape Town 8001
Postal Address: P.O. Box 1702, Cape Town 8000
Email: fconscap@iafrica.com
Website: http://www.consulfrance-lecap.org/sommaire.php3?id_rubrique=2
Tel: +27(0)21 405 3000
Fax: +27(0)21 421 0400
Mon to Fri: 8:30 to 11:30
Physical Address: 5th Floor, 4, Stirling Street, Zonnebloem 7925, Cape Town
Postal Address: PO Box 4273, Cape Town, 8000
Tel: Passport & Visa Section: +27(0)21 405 3052 Mon to Thurs 14:00 -16:00
Emergencies: +27(0)78 608 0950 (only after office hours)
Email: info@kapstadt.diplo.de
Website: http://www.kapstadt.diplo.de/Vertretung/kapstadt/en/Startseite.html
Tel: +27(0)11 214 2300
Fax: +27(0)11 214 2304
Physical Address: Fortune Kunene House; 261 Oxford Road, Illovo; Houghton, 2041, Johannesburg
Email: greekconsulate-johannesburg@mfa.gr
Website: http://www.mfa.gr/missionsabroad/en/south-africa.html
Tel: +27(0)12 430 3030
Physical Address: 959 Arcadia St, Pretoria, 0007
Email: mission.prt@mfa.gov.hu
Website: http://www.mfa.gov.hu/kulkepviselet/ZA/HU
Tel: +27(0)11 482 8484-86
Fax: +27(0)11 482 8492
Physical Address: No. 1 Eton Road, Corner Jan Smuts Avenue & Eton Road, Parktown, 2193
Email: cgijhb@global.co.za
Website: http://india.org.za/
Tel: +27(0)21 761 7015
Fax: +27(0)21 761 7022
Physical Address: Rosemead House No.124 Rosmead Avenue, Kenilworth 7708, Cape Town
Email: info@indonesia-capetown.org.za
Website: http://www.indonesia-capetown.org.za
Tel: +27(0)12 362 2048 / 9
Fax: +27(0)12 362 2027
Physical Address: 803 Jan Shoba Street, Brooklyn 0028, Hatfield 0028, Pretoria
Email: iraqiembassy5.pretoria@gmail.com
Tel: +27(0)12 452 1000
Fax: +27(0)12 342 4752
Hours: 09:00 - 12:00 weekdays
Physical Address: 2nd floor, Parkdev Building, Brooklyn Bridge Office Park, Fehrsen Street, Brooklyn 0181
Website: https://www.dfa.ie/irish-embassy/south-africa/
Tel: +27(0)12 470 3500
Fax: +27(0)12 470 3555
Physical Address: 428 King's Highway cor., Elizabeth Grove Street, Menlo Park 0102, Pretoria
Email: cao-sec@pretoria.mfa.gov.il
Website: http://embassies.gov.il/pretoria/Pages/default.aspx
Tel: +27(0)21 487 3900 Mon, Tue & Fri 09.00-11.30,
Wed 09.00-12.00 & 14.00-15.30, Thurs closed
Fax: +27(0)21-424 0146
Physical Address: 2 Grey's Pass, Gardens, Cape Town
Postal Address: PO Box 15865, Vlaeberg, 8018
Email: consolato.capetown@esteri.it
Website: http://www.conscapetown.esteri.it/Consolato_Capetown
Tel: + 27(0)12 3622249, 3622250, 3622251
Fax: +27(0)12 3622252
Physical Address: 302 Brooks Street, P.O. Box 35954, Menlo Park, 0081
Email: kenrep@mweb.co.za
Tel: +27(0)12 342 0877
Fax: +27(0)12 342 0876
Hours: 08.30-15.00
Physical Address: 890 Arcadia Street, Arcadia, 0083, Private Bag X920, Pretoria, 0001
Email: info@kuwaitembassy.co.za
Website: http://www.kuwaitembassy.co.za/
Tel: +27(0)21 425 1695
Fax: +27(0)21 418 2116
Physical Address: 2100 Main Tower Standard Bank Centre Heerengracht Cape Town 8001
Website: http://www.mofa.go.jp/index.html
Tel: +27(0)12 342 1283
Fax: +27(0)12 342 1286
Physical Address: 1163 Pretorius Street, Hatfield 0083, Pretoria
Email: pretoriahc@govmu.org
Tel: (+27) 12 460 1004
Fax: +27(0)12 460 0973
Hours: 08.30-16.30
Physical Address: Parkdev Building, Brooklyn Bridge 570 Fehrsen Street, Brooklyn, 0181
Email: info@mexico.org.za
Website: http://embamex.sre.gob.mx/sudafrica/
Tel: +27(0)11 327 5704
Fax: +27(0)11 327 5711
Physical Address: 95 Oxford Road, Saxonwold, Johannesburg
Email: cgeral@intekom.com
Tel: +27(0)12 342 8656, +27(0)12 342 8659
Fax: +27(0)12 342 8640
Block C, Hatfield Gardens, 1110 Arcadia Street
Email: nzhc@global.co.za
Website: www.nzembassy.com/southafrica
Tel: +27(0)21 421 5660
Fax: +27(0)21 418 2690
Physical Address: 100 Strand Street, Cape Town 8001
Postal address: PO Box 346, Cape Town 8000
Email: kaa@minbuza.nl
Tel: +27(0)21 418 1276
Fax: +27(0)21 418 6068
Physical Address: 2805 ABSA Building, 2 Riebeek Street, Cape Town 8001
Postal Address: PO Box 4446, Cape Town 8000
Email: bjorg.wakeham@worldshipping.co.za
Tel: +27(0)21 418 3656/7
Fax: +27(0)21 419 2651
Physical address: 10-th floor, Southern Life Center, 8 Riebeeck Street, Cape Town
Postal address: PO Box 6743, Pretoria, 0001
E-mail: rusco@icon.co.za
Website: http://www.russianembassy.org.za/index.html
Tel: +27(0)21 418 1276
Fax: +27(0)21 418 6068
Physical Address: 2805 ABSA Centre, 28th floor, 2 Riebeek Street, Cape Town
Postal address: PO Box 4446, Cape Town, 8001
E-mail: norsksvensk@mweb.co.za
Website: http://www.swedenabroad.com/Start_25632.aspx
Tel: +27(0)21 418 3665 Tel: +27(0)21 418 3669 (Embassy Jan-Mar)
Fax: +27(0)21 418 3688 Fax: +27(0)21 418 1569 (Embassy Jan-Mar)
Physical Address: Nr.1 Thibault Square 26th Floor , (Cnr. Long Str/Strijdom) , Cape Town
Postal Address: Consulate General of Switzerland , P.O. Box 563, Cape Town 8000, South Africa
Email: cap.vertretung@eda.admin.ch
Website: http://www.eda.admin.ch/capetown
Tel: +27(0)21 419 2810
Fax: +27(0)21 418 1472
Physical Address: 25th Floor, Atterbury House, 9 Riebeeck Street, Cape Town 8000
Email: info@namibiaconsulate.co.za
Website: http://namibiaconsulate.co.za/
Tel: +27(0)12 362-4072 / 3
Fax: +27(0)12 362-3967
Physical Address: 312 Brooks Street, Menlo Park 0081
Postal Address: P.O. Box 11803, Hatfield 0028, Pretoria
Email: pahicpretoria@mofa.gov.pk
Website: http://www.mofa.gov.pk/southafrica/
Tel: +27(0)12 342 6411
Fax: +27(0)12 342 6412
Physical Address: 809 Government Avenue, Arcadia, 0007, Pretoria
Email: pal.embassy15@gmail.com
Tel: +27(0)12 347 1047
Fax: +27(0)12 347 0403
Physical Address: 189 Streliza Road, Waterkloof Heights, 0181, Pretoria
Email: embaparsudafrica@mre.gov.py
Tel: +27(0)31 266 9792
Fax: +27(0)31 266 9055
Physical Address: 3 Chase Place, Westville 3630
Postal Address: P.O.Box 1351 , Durban
Email: kesh@wozani.za.net
Tel: (+27) 21 761 1781
Fax: (+27) 21 761 2657
Physical Address: Helderberg House, 24 Highwick Drive, 7708, Kenilwoth, Cape Town
Email: romania@telkomsa.net
Website: http://capetown.mae.ro/
Tel: +27(0)12 362 4230
Fax: (+27) 12 362 4239
Hours: 09.00-15.00
Physical Address: 711 Jan Shoba Street, Cnr Jan Shoba & Lunnon Street, Hatfield 0028, Pretoria
Email: zaemb@mofa.gov.sa
Tel: +27(0)12 430 6035
Fax: +27(0)12 342 4425
Hours: Mon - Fri 8.00 am to 1.00 pm 2.00 pm to 4.30 pm Sat & Sun - Closed
Physical Address: 980-982 Schoeman Street, Arcadia, Pretoria 0083
Postal Address: P.O. Box 11809, Hatfield, Pretoria 0028
Email: Singhc_pry@sgmfa.gov.sg
Website: https://www.mfa.gov.sg/content/mfa/overseasmission/pretoria.html
Tel: +27(0)21 790 9970
Fax: +27(0)12 790 9979
Physical Address: Sunset Avenue 7, Landadno, Houtbay, 7806, Cape Town
Tel: +27(0)21 422 24 15
Fax: +27(0)21 422 23 28
Hours: 09.00-14.00
Physical Address: 37 Shortmarket Street Cape Town 8001
Email: cog.ciudaddelcabo@mae.es
Website: http://www.exteriores.gob.es/consulados/ciudaddelcabo
Tel: +27(0)12 460 7690 / +27(0)12 460 7679
Fax: +27(0)12 460 7702
Physical Address: 410 Alexander Street, Brooklyn 0181, Pretoria
Email: srilanka@global.co.za
Website: http://www.srilanka.co.za
Tel: +27(0)11 403 2050
Fax: +27(0)11 403 7473 or 7374
Hours: 08.30 - 16.30
Physical Address: Forum 7, Braampark, 33 Hoofd Street, Braamfontein, Johannesburg
Email: info@swazihighcom.co.za
Tel: +27(0)21 418 1188
Fax: +27(0)21 425 3022
Physical Address: Standard Bank Centre, Main Tower 10th Floor, Hertzog Boulevard, Foreshore, Cape Town
Email: taiwan@telkomsa.net
Tel: +27(0)21 342 5470
Fax:+27(0)21 342 3986
Hours: Mondays - Fridays Embassy 09.00 - 12.00 and 13.30 - 17.00
Physical Address: 248 Hill Street (Corner of Pretorius Street), Arcadia, Pretoria
Postal Address: P.O. Box 12080, Hatfield, 0083, Pretoria
Email: info@thaiembassy.co.za
Website: http://www.thaiembassy.org/pretoria/
Tel: +27(0)21 788 7069
Fax: +27(0)21 788 5616
Physical Address: Penrose House, 1 Penrose Road, Muizenberg 7945, Cape Town
Email: babrius2@mweb.co.za
Tel: +27(0)12 342 6031
Fax: +27(0)12 342 6206
Hours: 09.00-16.00
Physical Address: 882 Stanza Bopape Street, CNR Balmoral Street , Arcadia, 0083, Pretoria
Email: ugacomer@mweb.co.za
Website: http://www.ugandahighcommissionpretoria.com/
Tel: +27(0)12 460 1943 / +27(0)12 460 1946
Fax: +27(0)12 460 1944
Physical Address: Marais street, Brooklyn 0181, Pretoria
Email: emb_za@mfa.gov.ua
Tel: +27(0)21 425 1847
Fax: +27(0)21 425 3308
Physical Address: Suite 2308 Trust Bank Centre, Thibault Square, Heerengracht, Cape Town 8000
Email: conursud@iafrica.com
Tel: +27 (0)12 326 1847/97
Fax: +27(0)12 326 2140
Hours: 09.00 to 17.00
Physical Address: 570 Ziervogel Street, (Off Hamilton Street), Arcadia, Pretoria
Email: hc@zambiapretoria.net
Website: http://www.zambiapretoria.net
Tel: +27(0)11 838 2156/7/8/9
Fax: +27(0)11 838 5620
Physical Address: 13A Boeing Road West, Bedfordview Johannesburg, Marshaltown, 2107
Email: consular@dirco.gov.za
Website: http://www.dirco.gov.za